I'm failing miserably at writing a post today, so, instead, I will compile a list of random stuff I say when I really have nothing to say. By saying these things, I still involve myself in conversation even though it may be interrupting and actual, intellectual discussion. Heck, let's make it a top 10. A top 10 list of random stuff I say, when I really have nothing to say at all. It's worth noting that the top 10 isn't really in a particular order, but a top 10 sounds good, sounds better than a list, but I didn't want you to think that number 9 is less that number 2. Maybe number 7 will be the thing that puts the biggest smile on my face. In any case, it is important to know that number 1 is indeed the best.
10. 'thats what she said'
9. 'your face'
8. 'your mom's face'
7. (action: i put my hands around my eyes like this guy. seriously. and i don't know why.)

6. 'it's hard'
5. 'makes me want to vomit all over you'
4. 'i'm a polygamist'
3. 'word' - note: i say this when i have nothing to say but also when i want to confirm that i've heard something someone has said. sort of like saying 'affirmative', though i would never use affirmative in conversation, it's wierd.
2. i make a fish face and without fail accidentally make kissing sounds while i try to make the fish face over and over. sorry, no image for this one.
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