Monday, January 26

Would I? Could I? Am I a polygamist?

I recently started watching HBO's Big Love series. Maybe it was my sister's rave reviews, or maybe it was the abundance of signage promoting the series in my Brooklyn neighborhood, either way, I'm mildly addicted. 
It wasn't until recently that it occured to me that people may think I am inded a polygamist. I did in fact live in a community that accepted a 'poly' lifestyle. I have begun to regularly watch television programming about polygamy. I am often found with my 'roommates', Ben and Giovanna whom are openly dating. Sometimes, the three of us eat together. On occassion, I may be found lying in a bed with both of them. In the summer, it's totally normal to see the three of us riding our bikes on our way to a party, dinner, or other event. The other evening the three of us were leaving a dinner with many friends. Everyone walked out and I noticed Ben's jacket and scarf lying over a chair. Giovanna was already passed these items, so I picked them up, and tenderly offered the scarf to Ben. I held his jacket as he slipped his arms in. Then he looked at Giovanna and I with kind and loving eyes. Giovanna said, "Do you think they know?", rather, umm. . . she said something about how people might think we're polygamists, but we're not, but we could be and it would be cool, though the authorities aren't big on it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have also had the pleasure of viewing Big Love. Who wouldn't want to be viewed as a prophet by multiple wives? I wonder if they all share the same cycle. That would be rough...